Saturday, December 19, 2009



  那一天,静独自穿过篮球场,碰巧斌也一个人在那儿练球。因长期打篮球,滨拥有一 身小麦色的肌肤,而融合着阳光和汗水的皮肤此时正在散发出眩目的光彩,那光直直射进静的眼睛里也“灼伤”了她的心。可能因为太专心的缘故,滨根本没有发现 站在一旁的静,一个不小心球脱手了“砰”的一声闷响,球砸到了静的头,她当场重重跌倒在地面上,并轻轻的“啊”了一声。滨闻声快步跑到静身边,轻柔扶起她 问:“对不起,你还好么,砸到你什么地方,要不我陪你去找医生看看?”静顿时慌了神,她忙把滨的手拨开,跳起来说:“没有事,一点事儿也没有!”然后用狂 奔的速度走开了,那一刻静觉得自己心虚得像贼一样在逃窜。

   同样静也在慢慢发现滨的优点和缺点,奇怪的是优点没有发现什么可缺点却发现了一大堆!比如说滨每次要她帮忙写作文时都承诺请她吃冰淇淋,话是这么说没有 错,可静帮他那么多次也没有见到冰淇淋的一点儿影子!滨总会有他的理由例如:“呀,忘记了,下次把。”,“今天没有带钱哦!”,“怎么最近你好象胖了,还 吃冰淇淋么?”……每次都有完美的理由让他脱身,让静恨的牙痒痒,所以静知道了滨其实是一个很无赖的人。
   滨经常参加篮球比赛,而静是他的忠实观众,凡是有他的篮球赛静一场也没有落下。看比赛的时候,静都疯狂为滨加油,分贝高到可以在所有人都狂叫时还依稀辨 认出她的声音!看静那么热情的捧场,也为了防止她再被球砸伤滨安排静坐在球员中间。本来应该是一件不错的事件,静也挺感激滨的,但滨老叫静帮忙递水递毛巾 拿衣服就让她感觉自己其实是在当滨的“免费打杂女工”,可是没有办法呀,能近距离看球赛的这个好处引诱她心甘情愿地做这个“打杂”工人。

   回到家,静便很用心地为滨写这一封情书。草稿写了一张又一张,直到把一叠新的厚厚稿纸写完才写出两纸薄薄的情书。然后她买了一个漂亮的信封把信小心翼翼 地装

上去,还特意喷了一些香水在信的表面上,弄好这一切她把信交到滨手中。滨接过这封精美的情信时他兴奋的大叫:“静,你真的是我最好的朋友!”依旧是轻 轻的一个微笑她不说什么,静想:既然他不爱我,但可以成为他最好的朋友也算是在他心中拥有一个地位把,这也是一件不错的事件不是么!

  情信送出去的那个星期,滨就没有怎么和静一起说话了,因为他忙着去打听消息,早料到是这个结局静也不去找滨,她每天就安静的自己在学习。一个晚 上滨突然给静打电话:“静,出来,我请你吃饭,快出来呀!”他的语气粗暴得让静觉得可怕,以前他不曾这么对她说话。静匆忙赶到饭店时滨已经喝成一团烂泥, 醉醺醺的他见到静过来就大喊:“静,来,陪我喝一杯!快来!”滨的醉态把静吓坏了,忙把帐单付清叫了一辆出租车把滨送回家去。
  在车里,滨靠在 静身上口齿不清的说:“静,她说她有喜欢的男生了,还告诉我她最讨厌体育型的男生,说什么运动把身体弄得又脏又满是汗酸味儿一看到就讨厌,我就是她最讨厌 的那种类型!静,我有那么差么,我真的那么差么?我不懂!运动的男生不是给人感觉很阳光的么?你告诉我……”静用力扶着他用手帕为他擦去脸上的啤酒和汗 水,嘴里一直不停的

对他说:“没有,你是最好的,你是最好的……”折腾了一翻滨睡着了。看着滨疲惫的睡容,静的心缩成了一团,忍不住她用手轻轻的揉着滨紧 皱着的眉头,她心里默默的对滨说:“你真的好傻,你难道真的不知道在你身边有个深爱你的人么,在她心里你是最优秀的!”

  就在同一个星期,静去找玲,她想知道玲为什么要这样的伤害善良的滨。静终于第一次正面的仔细看到了玲,她真的是一个很优秀的女孩子!美丽的 长发配上鹅蛋般的脸蛋还有白净肤色,而且她的成绩在级里也是很不错的标准的一个美人加才女!她的光芒让静产生了一种无形的自卑感,可是玲的高傲让静又十分 的厌恶。静对着玲说:“玲,你好!能冒昧问问你为什么要这样对滨说那么残忍的话么,你这样做真的很伤害他!你可不可以……”静的话还没有说完,玲就出声打 断了:“不要说了,我就是那么直接的,每一个学期都有很多男生对我表白的,我那儿来的那么多闲工夫理会呀,而且哪个什么滨是把,我最讨厌的类型了,当然一下子就打断他的念头拉!”
   玲的话让温顺的静发了身平最大的一次脾气:“你怎么可以这样的,你优秀他也不差呀!他善良,运动好,学习也不错呀!你怎么可以这样说他的,你这样做真的 太过分

了!难道你不知道伤害一个喜欢你的人是很残忍的一件事情么!”看着静涨红的脸蛋,玲有一时的错愕随后她笑笑说:“你喜欢他是吧,难怪那么强烈的反应 咯!你何苦来找我呢,你向他表白就可以拉。真傻!”不等静反驳玲就走开了,留下静一个人在那里发呆,久久无法回过神来!

  玲的话对静产生了强烈的刺激,她的决心开始动摇,想是否应该告诉滨自己对他的心意。算算也好久没有见过滨了,所以她就直接去滨的家。见到的滨让 静无法接受,他整个人没有一点精神,躺在地板上不知道在干什么,见到静来了也是点点头。静和他说话叫他回去上课他也是爱理不理的,他们陷入了长久的沉默之 中。忍不住,静大声对他说:“有必要那么沮丧么,以前的你不是这样的,为了这样一个高傲的女子值得么。她就是那么重要么!”“住口,你什么都不明白,我有 多爱她你知道么,你能理解么?你凭什么这样说!”眼泪从 静的眼睛里流了下来,她带着哭腔说:“我不明白,我不明白,最明白的是我!我喜欢你,一直很喜欢你!你爱的是玲,而我还要给你写情信听你说她多好,我的心 有多疼你知道么,我为什么不能说,看着我喜欢的人这样的颓废我高兴么,你这个大笨蛋!”说完她就跑了,而滨还没有从震撼中解脱出来










Friday, December 18, 2009


璇﹕直到愛消失你才懂得 去珍惜身邊每個 
美好風景 只是她早已離去
傑﹕直到你想通她早已經 不再對你留戀 
最後的你 開始了一段掙扎

璇﹕你那麼愛她 為什麼不把她留下 
為什麼不說心裡話 你深愛她 
傑﹕你那麼愛她 為什麼不把她留下 
是不是你有深愛的兩個她 所以你不想再讓自己 

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wat a starnge day.... O.o???

Haha.... Today can say lucky or bad day le??? Morning i have ask my teacher about my exam result and he say i no nid re take the exam and count as pass de.... ^^(lucky?) So.... I no nid to study that sucks Physic1 >.<

After lunch almost 2pm, I found a HP on the chair at the tutorial class..... May be i should take and sell it??? May be got at least RM200 le....( lucky??) That 1 is Motorola HP and quite lame and less function... lol I saw no ppl come back to this place then I was thinking to call the HP's friend or find any1 to ask whose HP is this.... Then, a call come and dun know call by who=.= (I sure dun know la bc not my phone ma....) Oh.... Its the owner call and I tell him to wait at tutorial class. 30s later, I saw 2 foriend student run to the room and I give back the HP..... =.= I should ask them to buy 1 HP for me as pay back.... lol jkjk^^

2pm is the chemist class and the class is near the bushes ( not so much bushes but there not much ppl go).... In the middle of the class, suddenly 1 of my classmate point at the door then all ppl staring at the door and speechless.... 5second later, all the girls scream @.@zzzz I saw 4 foot snake run into my class....=.='' swt, the Mr lizard(4 foot snake) almost like 24cm run across me just infront of my leg. All the girls scream and pull up their feet up and some guyz oso like that.... lol Mr lizard come visit our class???? haha^^

Friday, July 24, 2009

NS Camp PDS Resort 2009/2nd batch

Is NS a place of nightmare or just a playground??? its hard to define but for me, i like it very very much... 1st time enter the camp, i hate that place bc that place so dirty, food oso not nice, miss eating pork, the friends i know oso very little except Tze Jun.... The 1st day in camp, me n Jun have know 1 friend call Johan and hes quite gud but he do things got a bit slow.... =.='' 2nd day in camp, another half of camp ppl come to this camp from NS n Melaka, Johan call me to fast fast go to the hall to see leng lui(new comer)!!!!! In my room, got 2 chinese, 2 indian n 6 malay ppl including me.... The chinese guy name Zhi Wei, he is quite big size n fit, not only that he oso very smart le bc he got 9As in his SPM... O.o-- OMG...... Genious!!!!!

Few days later, i have enter the "毛半Gang"... Meaning: When ppl nid help, they only nid to pay us RM0.15 them we will help them n not like ah long got interest ^^. Another meaning is:毛半=RM0.15=15 gang member:Steven, L, Jacky, johnson, Tze jun, Zhi wei, Ah ann, ming liang, kai sean, Ivan, Kar Hoe, Kok Kong, Johan, Aron n me..... In this camp, we hear that he was saying that he had fight around 50 ppl in his 5 year 2nd school.... =.='''' dun know true or not, maybe his face too thick to be shoot by sniper or shortgun...LOL

Since after my school coco, i dint even think i can play ping pong adi.... haha.... Not only can play ping pong, i also meet with the ping pong master (mewakili Melaka), so scary..... After playing with him for few times, i know he is gud guy that his brain only full of ping pong =.=''''..... And his 徒弟>>> Berry, and Berry 徒弟>>>绵羊.... These 3 ppl very gud in ping pong and they like a gang of ping pong bc when got time, they sure go for ping pong de....

About the camp activities, is was too much until our bath time almost gone... Every morning about 6am wake and gather for PT (morning exercise) eg. jogging, pumping, sit up... 7.30am go for breakfast and not a kind of normal breakfast, its a war breakfast=.=!!!!! 8am we have to rush to our dom and prepared for CB calss ( Character Building). It not only sien, it oso bored until u die le.... (for me la) But the only things that make me happy is looking at a girl but I have never ever have chance same group or chatting with her.

When come to ceramah, it was like.... OMG sien dao..... All talk about nonsence thing, some times they teach us how to see n analyze the map, some times night time let us see the moral movie. But the worst part of NS is the afternoon kawad, about 2:30pm go to the tapak perhimpunan kawad and we learn that there is a kawad equation we can use: people+sun+uniform+kawad=Cakukman^^.... when comes to play the tali rendah, most ppl swing across water also dint kena water but Kai Sean dun know wat hapen to him, he kena water like 1, 2, 3.... about 10++ times le and his whole pants super

Tuesday, May 19, 2009






祝你幸福一辈子.... ^^ 笔于:哥

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


这些年一个人 风也过雨也走

有过泪有过错 还记得坚持甚么

真爱过才会懂 会寂寞会回首

终有你终有梦 在心中

朋友不曾孤单过 一声朋友你会懂

还有伤还有痛 还要走还有我

这些年一个人 风也过雨也走

有过泪有过错 还记得坚持甚么

真爱过才会懂 会寂寞会回首

终有梦终有你 在心中

朋友一生一起走 那些日子不再有

一句话一辈子 一生情一杯酒

最幸福的事 梁文音

你撑着雨伞 借我那次
已经足够我 记得一辈子
我懂后来你 不是不坚持
爱情本来就 没万无一失
泪水离开了 你的手指
那不如让它 流在这信纸
我想女孩子 最贴心的是
让爱的人选 结束的方式
我最幸福的事 当过你的天使
趁鼻酸能掩饰 让我们像当时拥抱最后一次
最幸福的事 吹蜡烛时你总为我许愿的手势
为挚爱的人 在左边心口保留位置
可惜爱不是 童话故事
不能够永远 依赖着王子
才慢慢认识 只剩两个字
我怎麽忍心 为难你解释
那一阵子有你 美得不像现实
多高兴每一幕 都微笑着静止
我最幸福的事 牵着你的日子
一段爱从开始 直至分开我们都对彼此诚实
最幸福的事 对那片海用力大喊永远的样子
想得起的事 那天和你傻笑着认识



歌手:卢巧音&王力宏 专辑:好心分手



歌手:李圣杰 专辑:绝对痴心--手放开

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Before Going to Camp Speech... (miss u all) T.T

When u all see this blog, u all know i have gone to ns de... Jia Wen will 100% see this blog de... If Jia Wen see this blog, she cant eat gud things in this 3month... HahaXP... Just joking la.... I know u only like mum mum right?? ^^

1. Hinn yuan(Cool Guy) I have know u since Form3 and u r a very very gud person... U always make ppl laugh and when ppl nid ur help, u will help them with all ur best... By the way, u r a gud gamer oso and u can be the world champion gamer in ur future... Haha... Im sry i dint go on 18 March 2009 the farewell party and u have to gone to subang after u back fron ns T.T.... So wish we all still can meet each other and go out together like form5....

2. Yong Go(Ah Go) Its gud to have u as my friend bc im going to miss u so much... I have a lot of fun with u especially when Form4 that year, remember ma?? We all sing Jay Chou song, talking our secret things and study together.... I miss that moment, if can i wish i can stay at that time long enought.... But when u go out with us, pls dun left out... I have seen u always go walk alone and some times do things alone... It will make us fell bad ... So try not to do that and we all will love to be with u together.... God love u too.... ^^

3. You Nen n Pei Ling(Perfect Couple) Congratulation to u both, u both have make to be the best couple... You Nen is my best friend (if he say ok) and we alway work things out together... Do u remember how we know each other?? If u dun know, pls do find out ur self Fish Nen...XP Hope after ns, we still got time to cycle around^^ .... Pei Ling le.... Ur attitude got a bit bit blur but I surprice that You Nen can tahan that... LOL.... U r a genious girl and pls always chat with him... If u busy or something bother u, do tell him bc he oso quite worry about u.... You Nen also same o...

4. Wei Hao n Long Kun(The Motor Mouth) U both r gud in DJ, so may be next time my wedding i will call u both come and help me.... LOL... The action of u both can make ppl laugh... Some timesu both got a bit 38 la like talk bad about ppl but its very nice to chat with u all... When 12 march 2009, that day we go to AMP Square for sing K but they got error. Luckily u both help a lot by changing the situation from bored to happy and that time can say that its my best K time ever.. Haha

5. Kah Chun(Kor) Y u want to be like that?? Before that, he is a very very handsome guy that always walk pass our class room to find some1, a caring heart and the face that always appear smiles^^... But since trial exam come, he have change the whole personality like he dun like to hang out with us or Zin Yong gang, always done things alone and also dun tell us wat had hapen to u... When I come back, I wish I can see back the KC that I know before...

6. Corine Chua(Jie) I think u also dun know wat hapen to him hor? Haiz^^ I have know Jie since standard 3C in Yak Chee school, u and me r the head of class and that time Im kind of stupid and childish Haha.... But these few years, I have a lot of fun with Jie and u have help me so much when Im in serious condition... Thx Jie^^

7. Chooi Yen(Datuk) Haiz... Dun let me eat somemore shit... (I wan cookie) I still remember that on 31 march 2008 u have make a big nice looking chocolate cake for me but pls dun say me rude, I would like to have a normal cookie pls?? Other than that, we all have gone to ur apartment play and i can feel all the fun like BBQ and swimming... (Sry o... Young Corine) Any way, thx Datuk...

8. Jie Shi(Famous Designer) You r a quite and nice girl... Every time we go for science lab, I will always sit beside u and I hope that time Im not kacau u... Some times ur small attitude and action is wat make u cute... ^^ But, pls do more chat with us and we will be very happy de... All the comic that u have draw is very nice and funny, so I hope u can be the most famous designer in the whole world...

9. Mei Yeen(The Blurest) When Form1 that time I have sit with u and now Form5 i also sit with u, is it fate?? Sry la that I have kacau u so much in class, I always sleep in class do I feel anoyed to u?? but we always have happy days like chatting, joking, discussing homework and more... Haha... But most of the time I have bully u, sry o... After ns see got time or not then i find u cycling.... ^^

10. Jia Wen (Tortoise Scare Tortoise) Mei a... I have see ur blog de.... Dun feel so sad, if u happy kor oso happy de, but if u feel sad wat will I feel?? Kor feeling is same as Mei de... No Kor wan Mei sad de ma right?? So Mei a... Dun sad le... After read ur blog, I really want to cry out loud beside u...T.T When i see my song book, i can remember that the 1st song u teach me(只因为你).... When I hear Sunway Pyramid this word, I can think back that u always plan to go there ice skating, play for 4 to 6 hours, butt also wet de, leg also cramp le, but u still full with energy to play.... 1st time go with u all is on 23 Jun 2007... Some times I make some mistake and u mad at me... That time, I also fell sad about it and I always wish I would not do any mistake again or make u angry.... U say that I have done too much things for u, but in my heart I feel that I dint done anything for u.... In my heart out my soul, I wan to tell u something: 在这个世界上如果没有了你我不知道我现在会是怎样的人... Last thing, i wount break my promis de and Im going to miss u so much... Thx for everything that u have done for me....

As all the friends that I dint mention like Jack, Cheh Mern, Wan Zhen, Jo Ann, Corine Young, Pih Jing, Chee Ken, Tze Jun, Ke Jou, Step, Ai ling..... I also wount forget u all.... Im existing in this wonderful world it is bc of my lovely friends create me.... Im appologice that I have make u all sad and worry... Thx, I love u guyz and also hope u all have a great time....
但故事的最后我好像还是说... Bye Bye^^

Form 4S3 (K Box Year) Best Year of All

Haha... Honey moon year lo... But...................................................... For me single year la... Haiz=.= I have enter to 4S3 but You Nen in 4S2... So I same class with Zin Yong and Kah Chun but at 1st i feel bored in this class. That time i dun know how to play Maple and Kah Chun have teach me every thing. After few days, i still find hard to communicate with the others (Zin Yong gang) bc I have not much thing to chat with them or may be i still not know his gang very well... Later, got 1 boy who was looks like Jay Chou have come in to my class and his name is HUANG YONG GO... lol, At 1st i dun like him so much but later few dyas, I have glue up to him de... All we chat is Maple Maple Maple no ending 1 de... Even we go tiution oso same like that...
That time, I dun know how to play Dota bc im a noob. Then Ian Toh ask me to 1 vs 1 with him and I was asking my self... Y he want to 1 vs 1 me le?? Then i think he underastimate me so I fast fast discover Dota (1 hero only la) and i almost every day try to train that game.... Haha Then i have fully learn that hero... But when its time to 1 vs 1, he dun wan to play with me... But i oso have feel relief bc i oso a bit scare to fight with him... If he not lose, I lose, wat for play like this??
On 23 Jun 2007, it was the first time i go out to sunway pyramid play ice skating with my friends... once i enter the skating ring, i was so nervous but so happy to skate. I learn a while then i know how to play de... (a bit chuan le??) Very fun la and that time i always wish i can come here again and again... 23 August 2007 , 5 november 2007 oso got go sunway pyramid... Wish come true??

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The only Things Left is The Sweet Memory in Secondary School

In my life, I got so much things that I nid to do and nid to care. Most of my sweet memory started when I just enter my secondary school (SMK Seksyen 4 Bandar Kinrara) in 2004. On that day, I was a bit scare and nervous because there are no 1 that I know. Then, I sat at the Block B hall that can see the huge tapak perhimpunan alone with my head thinking how can i survive here for this 5 years, will it be hard or enjoy?? But now Im alone.... " Hei, Chun Ying... " I have hear this sound before and I turn my head around. Oh... is Jack Chung. I know him since Standard 5 bc we having the same tuition but I have nothing much to chat with him. Haiz... As time past, I saw some of my other friends (most of them i forgot le...XP) and I feel relief, at least i still have some 1 that i know... Haha

In class 1B, the first person that sit beside me is Siow Lip Ghee, tall and nerd but he is a very nice guy... I think... The person sit behine us is Thin Kah Chun and Tan You Nen but we dint even talk to them. Few days after start school, You Nen accidently fly (I dun know how to describe it) a ruler and hit my back. Lip Ghee think that he did it purpostly and did not return the ruler back to him even he have say sorry to me... LOL... (may be Lip Ghee still got the ruler...) LOLX2... Few days later i have a really good best friend and i oso sitting with him that day...(You Nen) Physical look, he is kind of ...fat? Dun know la... But in his mind, he is a fast thinker and have a briliant brain...

At mid year, teacher have saperate all of us and she wanted we all to sit in her order (boy n girl). So... i sit in front of the teachers desk (I dun like it) and some more sitting beside me is a girl (Scare scare) bc i never sit with a girl... That girl name .... Cinderella =.= haha cold right?? her name is Mei Yeen... She is quite chuby, like to bully me and got weird attitude... But she very nice but at that time, i dint talk much to her. She have help me a lot but i remember 1 thing that is.... I dun know how to do my komsas and i have scold by Pn Aziah but i still dun know how to do that komsas... Haiz... She teach me how to do (borrow her book to copy la...haha) and the next day i was save... Thx to her... So that moment, i strated to know her deep...